As the name suggest, our Pretty In Pastel bouquet is full of pretty pastel colored blooms and foliage. It’s soft and delicate color palette is suitable for a variety of occasions and will compliment most home decor.
As the seasons change, so do the availability of our flowers. For this reason, your bouquet will not look exactly like the one pictured. However, please be assured that the quality and quantity of blooms in your bouquet will remain consistent all year round and any substitutes will not affect the overall aesthetic of the arrangement.
Feel free to contact me to find out what is in season at the minute.
Featured image depicts a ‘Premium’ Size bouquet.
You can also add a bottle of Champagne to make this gift extra special. Click HERE to add a gift boxed bottle to your order.
Same day delivery available to the Mornington Peninsula from Monday – Friday and Melbourne and suburbs (Tuesday – Thursday) for orders placed by 11am unless sold out.
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